It's starting to get chilly, well in some places, not LA. We’re still at 90 degrees unfortunately. :( But at some point, it will get cold enough again for socks. I think this year calls for some super comfy, cozy socks that make you feel safe and warm. This year calls for lots of added comfort.
I’ve always been known for wearing flip flops, every day, for as long as they weather allowed. When I lived in Boston, my friends would joke that they could officially call it cold once I started wearing socks. Even in LA, once it gets chilly, I like a good pair of socks to keep my toes nice and warm. And, of course, even I have to put on regular shoes occasionally. This brings me to the fat person’s sock dilemma. Often our feet and calves are wider and thicker and many regular socks aren't that comfortable. I want my toes warm, but not at the expense of constricting my calves! I hate that indent on my calves from the top of the socks. For those of us who walk around on our feet, any pain in the area just makes life so much harder! We don’t need that! No one needs that!
So here are some socks that offer more room in the calves, but still stay up. Comfy and warm socks for the winter, and just some useful everyday socks. (Compression socks are a whole separate post.)
First thing I’ll mention is that you men have it better than us women in this area. Men’s socks offer more room in the foot and the calves. So for women, an easy option is to try some men’s socks. I’ve got some men’s trouser socks for this reason. They are great in the calf, but the heel is on the back of my ankle. So if you go the men’s sock route, you may want to go down a size. But if you are just going for warm socks, the heel issue may not bother you. Packs of comfy men’s socks are nice, easy and inexpensive to find at your favorite stores.
Silk socks are also great for warmth, who knew? (Ok someone did, but I didn’t until I was doing the research for this.) If you just need warmth, apparently silk socks, with another layer that is less slippery on the outside is a great choice!
Next suggestion is Diabetic Socks. Even if you don’t have diabetes, diabetic socks can be amazing! Diabetic socks are meant to be non constricting, so they tend to be very stretchy and comfortable for larger calves. They also are moisture wicking, antimicrobial, and warm. Check out this site for more info about diabetic socks. They are readily available online. You can also often find cheap ones at various dollar stores.
Good old fashioned wool socks are also a great option. My mom loved her wool socks! As she got older, they were her favorite Christmas presents. Nice and warm and comfy. For really large calves these may not stretch as much. And if you have sensitive feet, they may be less comfortable than a fuzzy cotton sock. But wool socks have stuck around for hundreds of years for a reason. Also, they can come in fun colors!
Now onto more specifics recommendations:
These socks are some of the most popular diabetic socks available. They come in white, black, and grey options (technically only white are true diabetic socks, but if you are mostly looking for calf comfort, that won't be an issue). They come in knee high, crew, mid-calf, and ankle lengths. They also have cotton and bamboo options. They are super lightweight and comfortable with a little padding on the feet. Great for trouser socks, and general day to day wear.
If you just want to cover your feet and avoid the ankle and calf area all together, Bombas ankle or no-show socks are a great choice! They tend to hug your arches, which can be helpful for those with plantar fasciitis. They also have soft and warm Merino wool options to keep your toes warm. They are pricey, but they tend to last a long time, and most folks seem to think the price was worth it!
Looking for something warm and anti-skid around the house? Pillow Paws are a great option. They are one of the primary suppliers of socks to medical facilities, so they have a variety of sizes that include larger calf options.
Xpandasox were specifically designed for plus size folks with wide calves. They expand up to 24inch in the calf and have a variety of color and patterns. They also donate socks to organizations helping people experiencing homelessness. (Side Bar: socks are one of the MOST needed items for unhoused humans, please consider donating socks!) They have expanded their options to include crew, and socks designed for medical needs. Their reviews can be mixed. Some folks LOVE them, but others say the socks roll down frequently. I suspect calf shape and sizing plays into these issues. So maybe try a pair before committing to this brand.

In the fun sock category is Sock Dreams. They have lots of great socks from ankle to thigh high in fun colors and designs. I am deeply coveting their New Zealand Bed Socks with Star Treads! You can search their socks by calf size, their largest is 26 inches.
There are some good sock options out there these days. If you don't find what you want, you can also modify what you have. Too tight in the calves, but the rest of the sock works, cut off the top! Nice warm comfy socks but you keep sliding around, use some fabric paint or hot glue to add some dots to the soles and make them non-slip. Do what marks ya happy!
I hope some of these work for you. Is there a sock you swear by that I missed? Let me know!
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