It’s summer time! That, usually, means camping! Well, for some of us. Depending on where you are in the country right now, camping may or may not be an option available to you. One of the most important items for a camping trip is the CAMP CHAIR. You need something comfy to sit around the campfire and make your s’mores. Nothing that digs into your hips, or the bottom of your thighs. Something that you aren’t worried is going to fall out from under you. Heavy Duty camping chairs are called for!
I remember a decade or so ago, it was really hard to find a comfy, sturdy plus size camping chair. And when you could find one, they were well over $100! These days, there are A LOT of options, most for under $100. Some even have shade attached, or a small table on the side.
XL large camping chairs are now big business, which is great. That means we plus sized folks have options for a change, a rare pleasure for us. I couldn't even begin to cover them all. Whether you get out into nature for some outdoor time, or you’re grabbing a plot of land outside your front door, here are some of the best XL camp chairs!
This is my camp chair and I LOVE IT:
Weight Limit 350 lb
Weight 13 lbs
Seat Size (W x D) 19 x 18 in
Seat Height 17.7 in
Side Table with cup holder
Built in Cooler
Multiple pockets
Backpack straps
Weight Limit 800 lb
Weight 13 lbs
Seat Size (W x D) 24.5 x 20 in
Seat Height 18 in
Adjustable Armrests
2 Cup Holders
Side Pockets
Large back pocket
Carry Bag
Weight Limit 600 lb
Weight 9.9 lb
Seat Size (W x D) 24 x 19 in
Seat Height 19 in
Adjustable Armrests
Oversized Cup Holder
Seat Drain System
Carry Bag
Weight Limit 500 lb
Weight 13.12 lbs
Seat Size (W x D) 21 x 20 in
Seat Height 17.7 in
Extra Plush Padding
Cup Holder
Mesh Pocket
Padded Armrests
Carry Bag
Weight Limit 600 lb
Weight 17.5 lb
Seat Size (W x D) 25 x 21 in
Seat Height 22 in
It rocks!
Weight Limit 400 lb
Weight 12.4 lb
Seat Size (W x D) 28 x 25.5 in
Seat Height 21 in
Zip & Mesh Pockets
2 Cup Holders

Weight Limit 400 lb
Weight 16 lbs
Seat Size (W x D) 23 x 19 in
Seat Height 18 in
Shade Canopy
2 Cup Holders
Carry Bag
What are your favorite camp chairs? Let me know if I missed one!
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